well I love to write about women related topic. Women centrism approach- in education, family gathering, marriages, in parenting and every part we can think of. No i am not the one who want to write about the equal rights or any situation where male is dominating women.
You can find many of those topics in the web.
My concern is little different and complicated here.
Today my problem is NOT male or the society that are giving more importance to the male gender. but i am focusing on one different concern that must not left behind.
Today when we think about authority approach between male and women, we can easily fine many instances where male is dominating women in every sphere of life.I end up in thinking few aspects, they are as follows:
- women are fighting for years for equal rights and treatment
- Male are dominating and women are treated badly
- Males are controlling and women are controlled
- Males are at upper level and women are always takes a places below men
Well, it is a sad situation.

I am not here to tell you or share how women can come up or take the authoritative situation here.
Today i get to some situation where we, women are at much difficult and bad place that NOT at all control by male.
Yes!!! women are them selves are the reasons behind every treatments they are facing in life- whether in life, or in office or simply in the relationship.
Yes!!! please i don't want to take me wrong.
Let me elaborate this fact with one example:

Today i went to my gym and while i am cycling and waiting my turn for the treadmill, one of the women approach me and what she said, end me to write this post.
1. she come near me with a smile and say hello
2. I greeted her back.
3. She is married and a mother of 4 children
4. It is a love marriage, lucky girl.
Then, after getting all this information, i simply make a mocking comments that "you are first women after having a love marriage that you are happy and fit"
She says that I am happy after getting married only coz my husband is still with me and happy with me. And it is because I am sexy and I have a fit body.
As far as, she wanted a fit body it is okay and fine, but she is working hard only to please his man is very stupid.
Adding to this, she too make few comments like:
1. If you want to have a happy life, make your man happy.
2. To make your man happy, you must have a fit body, as men just need body to be happy.
3. You should work hard as well to keep your husband happy.
So, i end up getting a point from this lady that successful marriage is only because of the husband happiness and husband can only be happy if you have a sexy ass.
Here I need to understand that the problem never lie in the hand of the men of the society, but in the head of the women
1. women need to understand that they are equal.
2. There is no point where husband need to be happy about the body
3. having a sexy body must be a ONLY parameters, and if it is make your men out of your list right away.
4. You need to respect yourselves before asking him to respect you.
5. you have body, RIGHT. but you too have brain, feeling and heart that also need that consideration.
Having a regular regime is perfect and very good habit, i know. BUT doing this only for the sake to keep your partner happy is bad.
Please women, wake up. try to understand, this is your life and you no where lesser than men in this society. Men have no right to get you or leave you. You are best and all more better then men.
If you want to be fit and beautiful, do it for yourselves.
Respect you!!!
You need to respect yourselves first then you can ask other to do the same.