Hello you wonderful people! I am cheshta, and I welcome you at my new blog!
I really thank you for visiting my blog and reading it, whenever it comes! I really feels good to know that many of you take time to read what I have shared here! I am lucky to have good 15000 plus views at blog, and trying to be regular to share my views on various topics that may excites and benefit you!
So this time- I am here with सूर्य अर्घ देंने की विधि | सूर्य अर्घ कैसे दें | सूर्य अर्घ मंत्र |

In Hindu beliefs, the glory of watering the sun has been described.
It is believed that diseases and grief are destroyed by his grace. When Shri Vishnu incarnated in the form of Shri Ram on earth, he also started his day after worshiping Surya Narayana. Actually, Surya is considered to be a direct deity as everyone can see him directly.
सूर्य अर्घ कैसे दें
- Sun God is that they should be paid within one hour of their appearance. Or it is only till 8 am. This should be done only after getting free from regular actions and taking bath.
- While giving water to the Sun, you should be facing towards east. If the sun is not seen in the east direction, then in such a situation, offer water only by facing towards the same direction.
- When giving water to the Sun, you can add Akshat (rice) to it.
- The hands should be above the head while offering arghya. By doing this, seven rays of the sun fall on the body. The Navagraha is also pleased by offering water to the Sun God.
Please have a look at this clip!
Now the BENEFITS :)
- When the spectrum of sun rays refract through the water, it breaks down into seven colours.The energy emanating from these rays of different colours is absorbed by the body, and balances any dosha in the body.
- The sun-rays refracting through the water of libation are a vital source of vigour and beauty.The green, violet colors refracted from VIGBYOR of the Sun are considered rich sources of anti-bacterial energy.
- This process helps us miraculously in the intellectual upliftment of the individual and it also reflects enhancement of his acumen in decision making, in eyesight, digestion, luster as well as splendor.
- Human body is made up of five things, air (vayu), water (jal), earth (prithvi), fire (energy) and space (aakash) and the cure of all the ailments of the body is amongst these five things only and the rays of the rising sun are one of these things.
- Many diseases can be cured by the use of sun rays e.g. ailments of the heart, eyes, jaundice, leprosy and weak mind.
- Hindus have practiced ‘Sandhya Vandanam‘ (saluting the sun during rise, noon and set) along with chanting of Gayatri Mantra for thousands of years and remained physically & spiritually strong
- The sun removes physical, mental and spiritual weaknesses and makes one healthy and long lived. The seven colours of the sun are very good and important for the health.

- Enhancing mood and energy through the release of endorphins
- Treating skin diseases, such as psoriasis, vitiligo, atopic dermatitis, and scleroderma. UV radiation also enhances skin barrier functions
- Inducing nitric oxide (NO), which helps protect your skin against UV damage and offers cardiovascular protection, promotes wound healing through its antimicrobial effect, and has some anti-cancer activity.
- Melatonin regulation through the “third eye” of the pineal gland photoreceptors.
- Standard treatment for tuberculosis 100 years ago, long before the advent of antibiotics.
- Can be used to sterilize your armpits and eliminate the cause of most body odor.
- Synchronizing important biorhythms through sunlight entering your eye and striking your retina.
- Regulating body temperature.
- Protecting against melanoma and decreasing mortality from it.
wow! I mean really??
Well, I am doing this from last 7 days! I am sure you will try this too.
Please write back to me, and tell me when you will starting सूर्य अर्घ