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Sunday, 3 July 2016

Never Again by Shreyan Laha

 To start with I must write that when I get this novel, it apprears very powerful to me! Yes! Powerful is very big word to say for a novel. But the cover is very appealing and name actually turning me on to read this once and get to be acquainted with, what actually it is all about!
Story revolves around the dairy 'Stranded Legend'. Author successfully managed the Past and Present scenes. Questions raised in the first few chapters of the book are answered in the later part with twists and turns. Overall the plot was engaging and story ends with twists and turns.
Language of the book is trouble-free and very simple. We read many german words here and there. That is too a plus point in the novel.  Narration of the book is decent. One liners in the book are worth noting.
Cover: Very powerful to look at.
Editing: Well, according to me editing and little typos are there but you didn’t notice much.
I loved it!
I can read it again in future for sure!

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